Jílové u Prahy, Czech Republic
International Competition

Our proposal for the School of Jílovsko introduces an innovative and forward thinking approach to school design, with a dynamic central node that connects all sections of the building. The radiating form is organized into five distinct clusters, including educational wings and communal areas. Each space is designed to reduce functional friction, optimize natural light, and ensure optimal acoustics. This thoughtful arrangement fosters a cohesive educational network that transcends the school and expands into the broader community.

To maintain a balanced relationship with the horizontality of the site and the relatively low height of the neighbouring houses, the school is limited to two floors. The gymnasium’s partially submerged design helps maintain an overall low profile and a minimized volumetric presence. The articulated star-shaped plan and the separation of the gymnasium from the main building helps break the scale and minimize the visual impact of the school.

The separation of the buildings also allows the bike path to cross the site and connect to Kaštanová street without obstruction. The main entrance is located on the west side of the site through Slunečná street, a smaller and safer street for the students arriving by foot or by bike. School buses use a drop-off zone, providing easy access to and from the main road.
Centre Scolaire Jílovsko