Osaka, Japan
International Competition, 2nd Prize

Switzerland offers a glimpse into a possible future: grandiose landscapes left untouched by dense smart cities and technological prowess, one feeding the other in a virtuous cycle. The Swiss Pavilion for Osaka Expo 2025 sets the stage for this intricate dialogue between nature and technology, two cultural ideals shared by both Switzerland and Japan. The design is simple and bold, a large square greenhouse placed above an unassuming wood structure captures a small fragment of a swiss forest. The envelope, made of ETFE balloons kept under pressure, forms a thin skin that meets bioclimatic requirements and gives the pavilion its iconic form. Inside, a sequence of experiences expose visitors to possible future interactions between nature and technology. As you enter, visitors are greeted inside the pavilion by The Lake, a digitally choreographed immersive portrait of the Swiss Alps reflected in crystal-clear lakes. On the floor above, the Augmented Greenhouse merges lush vegetation with hi-tech interactive displays that give visitors unprecedented insight on Swiss flora while an interactive sound installation recreates Swiss soundscapes. Back on the ground floor, The Living Lab is an interactive installation showcasing active robots programmed to upkeep and nurture a wall of native Swiss plants.

Concept and scenography in collaboration with Mirari
Swiss Pavilion Osaka Expo 2025